Soft Pretzel Hot Dog Rolls Recipe by Milk and Honey

Where all of Grandmother's favorite recipes are found, just like Grandmother makes them, with a little love.

Recipe Source

We were inspired to share this great recipe from Milk and Honey! If you haven not checked out their website, we suggest that you do!


For the Dough:
500ml warm water (40 - 43 C) (110-115F)
1 tablespoon malt extract
2 tablespoons dry yeast
30g lard, softened
6 cups flour
1 scant tablespoon fine salt Pink Himalaya salt)

For the Bath:
1 litre of water
1/4 cup baking soda

For the Egg Glaze:
1 egg yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon water

For Sprinkling:
Sea salt flakes

Makes 14


To get the DIRECTIONS for this recipe, please visit the chefs website at: Milk and Honey