A delicious corn chowder recipe that is delicious.
Peel the potatoes and wash. In a seperate pot, just put enough water to cover the potatoes cover and cook until the potatoes are cooked but still firm, about 30 minutes after the water boils. Remove the potatoes from the water putting them into a bowl and reserve the potato water.
Once the potatoes are cooked, In your soup pot, heat the sunflower or olive oil. Add the onion, garlic, carrot and celery, and sauté until the vegetables are cooked but not too soft. Add 2 cups of water from the potato pot. Add the corn and cook 10 minutes more. Add the salt, pepper, herbs and spices and cook for 3-4 minutes more.
Dice 1 1/2 of the cooked potatoes into small cubes. Add to vegetables in pot.
Blend the remaining cooked 1and 1/2 potatoes with the 1/2 quart of half and half milk until smooth.
Add the blended mixture to the soup pot. Heat gently to a low simmer. Simmer 5 minutes.
Taste. Add a bit more salt or pepper if you want.