Raspberry Pomegranate Layered Pavlova Recipe by Hungry Australian

Where all of Grandmother's favorite recipes are found, just like Grandmother makes them, with a little love.

Recipe Source

We were inspired to share this great recipe from Hungry Australian! If you haven not checked out their website, we suggest that you do!


10 egg whites
Large pinch salt
2.5 cups sugar
5 teaspoons corn flour
2.5 teaspoons white or red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla bean extract
725 mls thickened cream
1 teaspoon vanilla bean extract
2-3 punnets raspberries (I used 2)
1 large pomegranate or 2 small ones
2 teaspoons dried rose petals (food grade, organic if possible)


To get the DIRECTIONS for this recipe, please visit the chefs website at: Hungry Australian